【switch】【工具】《mGBA 0.10》最新版本下载,mGBA是一款十分好用的Game Boy Advance主机的模拟器,下面为大家准备了模拟器的最新版本,有需要的玩家可以来关注一下。

【switch】【工具】《mGBA 0.10》最新版本下载


Been a bit, huh? It’s been 10 months since the last minor release, and over a year and a half since the last major release, but progress definitely has not stopped in the meantime. Although a lot of the changes in this version are under the hood, cleaning up a lot of older code, paying downtechnical debtand fixing bugs, there are still some major new features in this release. Maybe we spent a bit too long on the polish, though, since this release was intended to be released months ago. Note also that mGBA is written primarily bya single developer, so at times progress can stagnate; after all, mGBA has abus factorof one. Fortunately, the extra-long wait is over, and mGBA 0.10.0 is here now!

Without further ado, let’s get to the feature list, as this first one is big.




